Heading up mountains throughout the Northwest is a great way of seeing how temperature and precipitation can determine which conifer species lives where, but in the Blue Mountains of Oregon, you can also track the relationship bewteen climate and conifers through time. In this episode, we follow the story of one especially important conifer over several million years using the fossils of the John Day Basin, and then embark on a road trip to the Wallowa Mountains further east to see how the same forces that drove the evolution of this species are still at work today.
Conifers - trees with cones and needles - are important to cultures across the globe. This time of year many of us are bringing...
From Crater Lake to Mt. Rainier, the forests of the central Cascades Range are alive with animals, plants, and fungi, all of which are...
In this delayed episode (sorry; neither scheduling nor technology were playing well with me this week) I'm joined by fellow GU faculty member Emily...