In the third leg of our journey along the California Coast, we visit Monterey Bay. An undersea canyon, sunlit shallows, and nutrients dredged up from the depths by the California Current make the bay a great place to wrap your head around the complex interactions between organisms and their environment that shape ecosystems and give these waters their staggering diversity of life. We'll explore those interactions this episode, meet the pioneering ecologist who was among the first to study them, and travel to the monumental aquarium that was built to celebrate both.
In honor of the Texas Memorial Museum's 83rd birthday, and on a less uplifting note, to draw attention to the dire financial situation it's...
If you're interested in how grasslands and the animals that live in them have evolved together over millions of years, Nebraska is one of...
We break from our usual format this episode to bring you several short stories told by paleontologists at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's annual...